Posts with the tag “prayer”
When You Pray
by Seth Shelton on February 29th, 2024
In keeping with the theme of adding things to our lives for Lent, I want to encourage you to consider adding or growing your commitment to prayer. But as I talk about prayer, I don’t simply mean stopping to ask God for something or saying a quick blessing before you eat. What I mean is praying as a focused and intentional time of worship that goes further than just making our requests known to God... Read More
A Prayer for Ash Wednesday
by Seth Shelton on February 8th, 2024
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Maybe you have friends who are Roman Catholic or from other protestant but more liturgical denominations than ours who went today and were marked with an ashen cross on their forehead. We aren't going to practice Lent in the same way, but that doesn't mean this can't be a season of intentional and heightened seeking of the Lord and His will for us as His peo... Read More
What Could You Add for Lent?
by Seth Shelton on February 1st, 2024
This Wednesday, February 14th, is not just Valentine’s Day. It’s also the first day of Lent. Much like the season of Advent, Lent is a season of preparation. While Advent is focused on Jesus coming to us, Lent prepares us to reflect on and celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. Starting on Ash Wednesday, it lasts until Easter. It is 40 days long, not counting Sundays, since these are considered ... Read More