Moses the Mediator
Have you ever stood in awe of something so magnificent that it made you acutely aware of your own smallness? Perhaps it was gazing at the vastness of the ocean, or looking up at the night sky filled with countless stars. These moments can be both breathtaking and humbling. Now, imagine encountering the living God in all His glory and greatness. How would that make you feel?
This is precisely what the Israelites experienced at Mount Sinai. After centuries of slavery in Egypt, they had been miraculously delivered and led to the foot of a mountain where God Himself would speak to them. The scene was overwhelming – thunder, lightning, thick clouds, and the sound of a trumpet growing louder and louder. When God spoke, the people trembled with fear.
In that moment, the Israelites realized something profound: they needed a mediator. They said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die" (Exodus 20:19). This encounter with God's glory exposed their sin and shame, revealing their desperate need for someone to stand between them and the Almighty.
This principle still holds true today: being exposed to the glory and greatness of God exposes our sin and shame and reveals our need for a mediator.
Often, we can develop a small view of who God is. Perhaps we've lived in captivity to sin for so long that our captor seems big and our Deliverer seems small. We need to be reminded of just how great and glorious our God truly is. When we catch even a glimpse of His majesty, we cannot help but see our own frailty and sinfulness in comparison.
The Israelites' request for a mediator was good, and God affirmed it. He appointed Moses to this role, to stand between Him and the people, receiving His commands and relaying them to Israel. However, Moses was a limited mediator. He could reveal the law and call for obedience, but he couldn't fulfill the law on their behalf or remove its burden. Moses, like all of us, was a sinful man in need of a mediator himself.
This brings us to a crucial truth: what Moses couldn't do, Jesus Christ has done perfectly.
The apostle Paul writes, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people" (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Jesus entered "once for all into the Most Holy Place not by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption" (Hebrews 9:12).
Unlike Moses, who could only offer temporary sacrifices, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, eternal sacrifice. He fulfilled the law completely on our behalf. Now, He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us (Romans 8:34).
This truth should radically change how we approach God. The author of Hebrews encourages us: "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Consider the profound implications of this. As we grow in our relationship with God and see more of His greatness and glory, we simultaneously become more aware of the depth of our own sinfulness. This can be a disheartening realization. However, in Christ, we have a mediator whose work on our behalf becomes increasingly precious with each passing day.
There's a powerful illustration that helps us understand this concept. Imagine two lines forming a graph. The top line represents our growing understanding of God's holiness and glory. As we mature in faith, this line continues to rise – not because God is becoming more holy, but because we're grasping more of who He truly is. The bottom line represents our understanding of our own sinfulness. As we see more of God's glory, we also see more clearly how far we fall short.
Without Christ, this realization would crush us. But the cross of Jesus spans the ever-widening gap between God's holiness and our sinfulness. His perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection provide the mediation we desperately need.
This truth frees us from the exhausting and futile attempt to earn our way to God through law-keeping and good works. It liberates us from the arrogance of thinking we can approach God on our own terms, like those who proudly proclaim, "I did it my way." Instead, we can humbly and confidently approach God's throne, knowing that Christ has done for us what we could never do for ourselves.
As we reflect on this incredible reality, let's consider a few key applications:
As we go about our days, may we never lose sight of the magnificent truth that in Christ, our need for a mediator is fully met. We no longer have to tremble in fear at the foot of the mountain. Instead, we can draw near to God with confidence, knowing that Jesus has bridged the gap and made a way for us to enter into intimate relationship with our holy, glorious God.
Listen to the whole sermon below:
This is precisely what the Israelites experienced at Mount Sinai. After centuries of slavery in Egypt, they had been miraculously delivered and led to the foot of a mountain where God Himself would speak to them. The scene was overwhelming – thunder, lightning, thick clouds, and the sound of a trumpet growing louder and louder. When God spoke, the people trembled with fear.
In that moment, the Israelites realized something profound: they needed a mediator. They said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die" (Exodus 20:19). This encounter with God's glory exposed their sin and shame, revealing their desperate need for someone to stand between them and the Almighty.
This principle still holds true today: being exposed to the glory and greatness of God exposes our sin and shame and reveals our need for a mediator.
Often, we can develop a small view of who God is. Perhaps we've lived in captivity to sin for so long that our captor seems big and our Deliverer seems small. We need to be reminded of just how great and glorious our God truly is. When we catch even a glimpse of His majesty, we cannot help but see our own frailty and sinfulness in comparison.
The Israelites' request for a mediator was good, and God affirmed it. He appointed Moses to this role, to stand between Him and the people, receiving His commands and relaying them to Israel. However, Moses was a limited mediator. He could reveal the law and call for obedience, but he couldn't fulfill the law on their behalf or remove its burden. Moses, like all of us, was a sinful man in need of a mediator himself.
This brings us to a crucial truth: what Moses couldn't do, Jesus Christ has done perfectly.
The apostle Paul writes, "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people" (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Jesus entered "once for all into the Most Holy Place not by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption" (Hebrews 9:12).
Unlike Moses, who could only offer temporary sacrifices, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, eternal sacrifice. He fulfilled the law completely on our behalf. Now, He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us (Romans 8:34).
This truth should radically change how we approach God. The author of Hebrews encourages us: "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Consider the profound implications of this. As we grow in our relationship with God and see more of His greatness and glory, we simultaneously become more aware of the depth of our own sinfulness. This can be a disheartening realization. However, in Christ, we have a mediator whose work on our behalf becomes increasingly precious with each passing day.
There's a powerful illustration that helps us understand this concept. Imagine two lines forming a graph. The top line represents our growing understanding of God's holiness and glory. As we mature in faith, this line continues to rise – not because God is becoming more holy, but because we're grasping more of who He truly is. The bottom line represents our understanding of our own sinfulness. As we see more of God's glory, we also see more clearly how far we fall short.
Without Christ, this realization would crush us. But the cross of Jesus spans the ever-widening gap between God's holiness and our sinfulness. His perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection provide the mediation we desperately need.
This truth frees us from the exhausting and futile attempt to earn our way to God through law-keeping and good works. It liberates us from the arrogance of thinking we can approach God on our own terms, like those who proudly proclaim, "I did it my way." Instead, we can humbly and confidently approach God's throne, knowing that Christ has done for us what we could never do for ourselves.
As we reflect on this incredible reality, let's consider a few key applications:
- Seek to know God more deeply. The more we understand His greatness and glory, the more we'll appreciate our need for Christ's mediation.
- Be honest about your own sinfulness. Don't be discouraged when you become more aware of your flaws and failures. This growing awareness is often a sign of spiritual growth and should drive you closer to Christ.
- Rest in the finished work of Jesus. Stop striving to earn God's favor through your own efforts. Instead, trust fully in what Christ has accomplished on your behalf.
- Approach God with confidence. Because of Jesus' mediation, you can come boldly before God's throne, receiving mercy and grace for every need.
- Live for Jesus' fame. In light of all He's done, let your life be a testament to His glory and goodness.
As we go about our days, may we never lose sight of the magnificent truth that in Christ, our need for a mediator is fully met. We no longer have to tremble in fear at the foot of the mountain. Instead, we can draw near to God with confidence, knowing that Jesus has bridged the gap and made a way for us to enter into intimate relationship with our holy, glorious God.
Listen to the whole sermon below: